Wednesday, June 1, 2011

posted january 25, 2009 a diary

A diary of a grown up child

Posted on January 25, 2009 by alvean.
Categories: journey of transformation.

Time certainly has its own influence. Either you make it worth it of spending or a period of non-existence in the world, you have no choice, it passes just like that. It means that once you were innocent and now you became guilty. It means that once you were curious and now you think you know it all. And you may perceive you’ve reached your peak to just end up knowing not where to go further.

So are you telling me, life is just like that, you grow up to just reach the end? No way.

I thought I already have the formula in all circumstances. I thought I am already having a great adventure. But after seeing someone who out of no wealth, feeds a million of orphans, seeing someone who out from the ordinary, stands in a million of crowds because he brings a message more that this world can satisfy, seeing someone who gives sight, hearing, a path to run, and even life after death to strangers who gave up looking for answers. Those stuffs that i just read in history from two thousand year old book is really happening. I thought I already know much not until I witnessed them. I thought being grown up is the right way but i became less and less curious, polite and humble, hungry and needy.

“Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” Luke 18:17

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