Wednesday, June 1, 2011

posted january 22, 2009 current affairs

Fuel the fire

Posted on January 22, 2009 by alvean.
Categories: journey of transformation.

It’s almost the end of the new decade again, and every time a new year comes, God gives me the abstract of my theme for the new season ahead.

Proverbs 26:20 “Fire goes out without fuel….’

And I think most of us who loves Him so much has committed to an assignment according to our calling, giftings and faith, we know what it means by that very short proverb… A passionate generation is building among themselves a Jesus culture and I for one am a learner.


God does the work of God, and man does the work of man. The work of man is faithfulness to what God has called him; the work of God is results. If we reverse the two, we can drive ourselves to an early grave. If we keep them in line, we can labor with freedom.

We need not get puffed up with pride when things go well, nor need we get distressed when things go poorly. To Pharaoh’s question, Joseph answered, “It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace” (Genesis 41:16). Our job is faithfulness; God’s job is results.(Quiet Walk devotional)

posted january 25, 2009 a diary

A diary of a grown up child

Posted on January 25, 2009 by alvean.
Categories: journey of transformation.

Time certainly has its own influence. Either you make it worth it of spending or a period of non-existence in the world, you have no choice, it passes just like that. It means that once you were innocent and now you became guilty. It means that once you were curious and now you think you know it all. And you may perceive you’ve reached your peak to just end up knowing not where to go further.

So are you telling me, life is just like that, you grow up to just reach the end? No way.

I thought I already have the formula in all circumstances. I thought I am already having a great adventure. But after seeing someone who out of no wealth, feeds a million of orphans, seeing someone who out from the ordinary, stands in a million of crowds because he brings a message more that this world can satisfy, seeing someone who gives sight, hearing, a path to run, and even life after death to strangers who gave up looking for answers. Those stuffs that i just read in history from two thousand year old book is really happening. I thought I already know much not until I witnessed them. I thought being grown up is the right way but i became less and less curious, polite and humble, hungry and needy.

“Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” Luke 18:17

posted january 21, 2009 current affairs

Lost and Found

Posted on January 21, 2009 by alvean.
Categories: Current Affairs.

Oh my goodness! It’s been like three years when I haven’t revisited my blog. And sad to say, the only archive I could read is that, Hello everyone…just trying out what’s in this blog… Kumusta na kayo? Wah and since that lonely night, more and more people get share their thoughts and keep it, sincerely draw out what’s behind their busy fingers on the keyboard, synchronize their lifestyle and what’s more is that they get their own space secretly or visibly in a world that’s full of strangers and yet having open access to one’s mind. What’s in that blog should have been written agotsk tsk tsk

Even though, here I am getting excited again and has sensibly thought of how good this really works! Inspired by one of my best friends, she gave me hope of not being bored again of these endless networking services.When you have the urge to write, you should do it right there and there or later on, you’ll find it lost, that’s what she told me and pretty much very true in my unwillingly writing skill.(as if I have that lol)I just thought there must be more on that urgency, and here I am retaking my chance.

Ahhh… Yet, where should I start? Hmmmm….

Maybe, an unspoken protocol here is that one should introduce the writer first… Am I right?

posted january 21, 2009

My mentoring status

Posted on by alvean.
Categories: About me.

See full size image

‘No problem so far’ that’s the famous status a mentor designates to his/her mentee. As I am one. So far because there’s this bigger amount of possibility that as more challenges arose, the more disturbance there could have, and the greater distractions one should overcome. When one strive and fully succeeded, many call it as maturity. But I was not that one.

I grew up in a rather comfortable but unexcused life. Being the first, everything was focused on me. And that was easy, just ask your dad abroad to send you a set of karaoke, grab a mike and do your best to be praised. But even if you’re not appreciated, you still got more attention from the remaining three of your siblings who were content because that is acceptable. But of course, the youngest is always the favored one whether or not he performed.I am not that spoiled, nor timid. Yet, I was full control of life without being criticized.

Where are the disturbances?

Life became more difficult, especially when you were a teenager during 1997 economic crisis.It came to my sensing, that the transition between childhood to adulthood is quite tough. I bet all parents were bewildered.One should struggle of recognition, sometimes in a subtle melancholic way or freely following the hormone’s demand is the fastest way. Either way is not wrong. But in my case, I chose to persevere on my own way regardless of charm, provisions, or good atmosphere at home. I was a little bit hard-headed in a good way, resulting to a scholarship to ease my parent’s burden. Graduating valedictorian from being ordinary gives more a lot of surprise to many compared to cute puppy love’s ending.This gave me valid excuses of escaping from household chores and complaints.Still I was in control, and now more reserved and perilous. This is what you call ‘nearing attrition status’.

Where are the distractions?

Distractons in a seemingly adored escape.Just don’t cut traditions and be boring.

Nearing attrition? Oh I am not the one who gives up more of what this life could have, even though it was boring.

Then came college…what a release to be included in a community of no standards in fashion, no limitation in beliefs, no routine, no ordinary people and yet being prestigious.

I’ll tell you more details bout that later…..when my mood change… (after 4:30 office dismissal… whew)

I’m back. My students just now took some of my mandarin oranges, my only RM7 annual bonus! Hehe

Yeah, college was the ‘release period’ of my life where I don’t have to hide from other people’s judgement. Plus, I got another scholarship to help me go through a new phase… My mother was very supportive of me going away.

But I got problems inward, self-conceited, rejected, alone. That categorizes me not from ‘no problem so far’ anymore.Because I have been through moments where no one has gone, makes me think I got mature on how I perceive things.I was too holy, avoiding improper behaviors, never had any vices, never been revengeful, never been kissed hahaha!

Yet, I did that all, not because of being too obedient to the values our culture have, but because I was religious and I thought doing the wrong thing is not my style. I was that young one singing karaoke needing recognition.In an environment, where friends are able and handsome, I was not. So I have to be more industrious, winning quiz bees, so bold to join declamation, which of course I lost because I don’t know how to bring that tears out while trying to remember the lines, voted myself president of school body which of course I lost again because they have to choose the queen and king of the prom. So eventually, I tried science club and succeeded, eventually I was on top not because of extracurricular activities but because I just perfected the exams I took a week later than them because I didn’t pay the computer fee on time.My conclusion is, my parents were right. They have to send me to that expensive school so I could have the not easy life.

That life brought me here, that there was one experience that I became tired of trying.Hesitant to admit it, I can no longer strive more.In my mind I could actually still go further but it will cost me to lose myself, that young lady who should still appreciate nature and gifts, not achievements. So I chose not to.

One night with the great architect of life changed everything. I already read his blueprint two thousand years ago, and I have already phoned him many many times. But what can I do, He is the architect, who knows the perfect time, that time when I couldn’t rest with good sleep, couldn’t rest with new blessings coming, with medals to display, with everyday calls from my perfect mother, with my cheerful friends.Once, that blueprint became more colorful, this time, intimately for me.This one is what you call ‘penetration status’.

Lol. It’s funny I boxed life with this attrition and penetration. Yet in reality, if you want an adventure, you just need to look at your design by the architect. I also don’t know how to classify His mind and I don’t think it’s not about what’s right or wrong with you. I think it’s about discovering the mystery behind those prints, whether it seems abstract or symmetrical, that’s how life becomes more interesting and resting. And that my friend is what you call transformation.

Oh I want to say more, but of course one post is not enough for my new journey.